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RedX Roof App

Améliorez la construction de votre toit avec l'application RedX Roof, incorporant des fonctionnalités avancées sur diverses plates-formes. Conçu pour vous faire gagner du temps et améliorer l'efficacité et la précision. Jcet outil élimine les calculs complexes, devenant un atout indispensable.

Enregistrer, imprimer, partager: Enregistrez sans effort vos conceptions de toit, imprimez-les pour une utilisation pratique ou partagez-les avec votre équipe, pour la collaboration et la productivité

Que vous vous attaquiez:

  • Calculs de chevron

  • Calculs de chevron de hanche

  • Calculs de chevron de vallée

  • Chevrons de hanche de botte

  • Fermes de toit Gambrel

  • Fermes à pignon

  • Toits en baie

  • Calculs d'angle de contreplaqué

  • Construction du toit de la tourelle

  • Bâtiment lucarne


L'application RedX Roof est votre solution ultime.

Renforcez votre projet de toiture avec l'application RedX Roof - Bienvenue dans l'avenir de la construction à portée de main.


RedX Stairs App

Boost your stair construction projects with the RedX Stairs App,

integrating superior features across multiple platforms. Designed to save you time and enhance efficiency and accuracy, it simplifies complex calculations, making it an essential addition to your toolkit.

Save, Print, Share: Effortlessly save your stair designs, print for hands-on use, or share with your team, for collaboration and productivity


RedX Walls App

Upgrade your wall construction process with the RedX Wall App. This tool creates amazing wall plans and provides detailed cut lists effortlessly. Designed to save you time and to streamline your construction project, making it a vital asset to every construction project. 

Save, Print, Share: Effortlessly save your wall plans, print for hands-on use, or share with your team, for collaboration and productivity.

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RedX Roof Builder

Revolutionize your roof building process with the RedX Roof Builder App, available across various platforms. This user-friendly tool is designed to save you time, enhance precision, and effortlessly handle complex calculations. Simply enter wall lengths and directions, and watch as the app automatically generates your roof design, making it an essential component for any roof construction project.

Save, Print, Share: Effortlessly save your roof designs, print for hands-on use, or share with your team, for collaboration and productivity


RedX Roof App

IOS - Android - Web


RedX Stairs App

IOS - Android - Web


RedX Decks App

IOS - Android 

RedX Roof Builder

IOS - Android - Web

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RedX Walls App

IOS - Android - Web


Hire Roof Expert

Let us create your roof 

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